In East Dunbartonshire, all children and young persons are entitled to participate fully in a learning community which promotes equality of opportunity and seeks to protect against all forms of discrimination.
We believe that pupils and staff have the right to learn in a caring and safe environment. Staff will not tolerate any behaviour or attitudes which lead to staff and pupils being humiliated or harmed because of their race, colour, language, nationality, ethnic origin, cultural and religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, marital status and disability.
In relation to race equality, the school follows written procedure whenever a racist incident is reported. This procedure is detailed in the document "Tackling Racist Incidents within the Education Service".
The school is also under a duty not to discriminate against pupils with disabilities in relation to admissions, education and associated services and exclusions. The Education Service of East Dunbartonshire Council takes steps to improve access to the curriculum, physical environment and communication/information for pupils with disabilities.
More information on this can be found in the Education Service's Accessibility Strategy.
A copy of this document can be obtained from all schools in East Dunbartonshire and from the Head of Education who is based at:-
Southbank Marina,
Southbank Business Park,
G66 1XQ.
Tel: - 0141 578 8000.