Extra-Curricular Activities
We run a Cycle Club after school where children experience their local school environment and the more challenging environment of Mugdock Park to develop skills.
Older pupils have opportunities to take part in a residential trip where they participate in such things as gorge walking, abseiling, canoeing and raft building.
In liaison with Active Schools, opportunities arise over the year to participate in After School Clubs which consolidate and develop skills taught in school.
Our Eco curriculum ensures that our pupils are aware of and engage in activities relating to Global Sustainability.
We are always looking for parents with skills that would allow us to develop a programme of After School Clubs or initiatives within school.
Any extra-curricular activities or excursions beyond the school will be risk assessed in line with East Dunbartonshire’s Policy. Parental approval will be sought before undertaking any activities and the appropriate paperwork completed.