The 1980 Education Act states that parents /guardians of school aged children must ensure that their child attends school regularly.
The school must record attendance twice daily, morning and afternoon. The absence will be recorded appropriately if notification has been received or as unauthorised if unexplained by the parent/guardian.
It is East Dunbartonshire Council's Policy that parents must notify their child's school in advance and in writing of any planned absences. In some instances if it is not possible to give advanced notice i.e. your child becomes unwell during the night, then parents/guardians must notify the school by 9.30am. Parents/guardians should also give their child a note on his/her return to school confirming the reason for the absence
If no notification of absence has been received by the school then the following procedures will be actioned:
Every effort should be made to avoid family holidays during term time as it both disrupts your child's education and reduces teaching time. Family holidays will only be regarded as an authorised absence where prior agreement from the school has been obtained and where it is judged the holiday is important to the well being and cohesion of the family, following serious or terminal illness, bereavement or other traumatic events. Parents/Guardians may request that their child be permitted to be absent from school to make an extended visit to relatives or to attend family celebrations.
All requests should be made in writing to the Head Teacher detailing the reason, destination and duration of the absence.
The school attendance officer is required to investigate any unexplained or lengthy absences and the authority has the power to write to, interview or prosecute parents/guardians or refer pupils to the Reporter of the Children's Hearing if necessary.